
PACY – ProActive CYbersecurity.

The project, funded by, aims to develop a platform that supports small and microenterprises in managing all elements related to the cyber world. While the Milan Polytechnic focuses on prevention aspects, the Bio-Medical Campus deals with incident management. Specifically, the platform will be responsible for identifying possible solutions to be implemented in the prevention phase. During the incident phase, it will identify the nature of the incident and provide indications on the actions needed to mitigate the damage and restore services, covering all aspects: technical, legal, and communication.

SynCrea – The project aims to develop the software suite, SynCrea, which will enable the implementation of an ergonomic security model. On one hand, it ensures the possibility of maintaining smooth post-production dynamics, while on the other hand, it increases the level of traceability and protection of the content. Therefore, the project aims to offer an integrated solution for secure management of audiovisual content from the early stages of the production process to the creation of the final master. By ensuring traceability of all process stages and all sub-products originating during the different stages of post-production, SynCrea also aims to ensure, consistently with the increasingly prevalent logic of smart production, maximum process flexibility by allowing the possibility of extending the safe zone beyond the physical boundaries of post-production laboratories.

ICS – Industrial Cyber Shield (2023:2024): The project, in collaboration with the Parthenope University of Naples, aims to develop a prototype system capable of identifying anomalies and attacks in industrial control networks.
DRIVERS – A Combined Data-Driven and Experience-Driven Approach to Systemic Risk Analysis (2022-2024): The project aims at developing a risk assessment methodology that combines machine learning techniques with the experience of human experts. In particular, machine learning techniques are quite effective when sufficient training data is available, but are not flexible and do not provide information about the reason why inputs are mapped into outputs. Conversely, decision support systems based on knowledge elicited by human experts are able to account for intangible factors and for the intuition of decision makers, but typically involve ambiguous, linguistic or contradictory information. The project aims to combine such two domains in order to obtain a faceted and expressive risk analysis framework, which will be applied to scenarios such as biofuel production and Seveso plants in general.
RESIM – Platform for the experimental assessment of resilience in critical infrastructures (2021 – 2023). This project aims to improve the cyber resilience of critical infrastructures by developing a specific human-cyber-physical environment. The project builds on the work carried out in the framework of the European projects “Facies and Resisto” and is part of the training activities (master) carried out by the two universities (UCBM & RM3), in the field of critical infrastructures.
STW – Security for Transport Workers (2020 – 2022): Analysis of violent attacks against transport workers and provision of procedural and technological measures to combat them.
HERMES – Healthcare Emergency support system for the distributed Response and Monitoring of Epidemics in the Society (2020 – 2022): HERMES is an ecosystem of services able to support screening, prevention, monitoring and healthcare logistics in response to major emergencies such as COVID 19. Specifically, the application created by the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome analyses the CT and X-rays of the lungs carried out in telemedicine to identify possible positive cases supported by Artificial Intelligence techniques.
RAFAEL – System for Risk Analysis and Forecast for Critical Infrastructure in the ApenninEs dorsaL Regions (2019 – 2021): The RAFAEL project is a part of technological developments of the last few years and aims to integrate them together with technologies that will be purposely developed in the project within a platform. Progetto co-finanziato dal Ministero Università e Ricerca a valere sui fondi PON “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014-2020 e FSC di cui all’avviso D.D. del 13 luglio 2017 n. 1735 – Domanda ARS01_00305 area di specializzazione “Smart Secure & Inclusive Communities”.
SAF€RA 4STER – Integrated Management of Safety and Security Synergies in Seveso Plants (2019 – 2021): The project aims to provide insights and best practices to raise awareness and effectiveness of European process industries – and specifically Seveso plants – with respect to cyber-physical security threats and the work-related safety of employees.  The project is co-funded by INAIL and involves also VTT (Finland), TNO (The Netherlands) and the University of Bologna.
BRIC SMARTBENCH: (2017 – 2019): Development of innovative integrated tools and methodologies to assess the safety and security of workers in dangerous zones. Co-funded by INAIL.
H.A.N.S.E.L.: (2017 – 2019) Health AutomatioN SystEms Laboratory: Development of an integrated industry 4.0 platform to offer services in terms of overall validation of SCADA security architectures, stress test of hardware/software with respect to cyberattacks and training of operators and technicians. Co-funded by Regione Lazio inside the Intese program.
CIPRNet (2013-2016): EU Funded FP7 project aimed to develop a network of excellence in Critical Infrastructure Protection as a centre of shared and integrated knowledge and expertise in civil security research.
SAF€RA  (2015-2016): The SAF€RA – Rising project aims to exploit RFID technology to improve the safety into the working environment, with a specific focus on emergency scenarios.
FACIES (2012-2014): EU Funded CIPS project aimed at defining methodologies for the identification of cyber attacks and stealth attacks, with particular reference to water distribution grids.
SLO (2013-2014): EU Funded CIPS project aimed to contribute to define a profile of the Security Liaison Officer in terms of competences, leadership, responsibilities, skills and roles at organisational level.
METRIP (2012-2015): EU Funded CIPS project focused on prevention and preparedness of risks in transportation systems.
THREVI2 (2012-2014): EU Funded CIPS project aimed at the difinition of an ontological representation of critical infrastructures, threats, and dependencies.
REFIRE (2012-2013) EU Funded CIPS project aimed at providing strategies for the indoor localization of first responders (e.g., firemen) during their operations in dangerous environments with scarce visibility (e.g., during a blast).

DYCOH (2010-2012): National project on innovative biomedical image manipulation for diagnosis.

SPARC (2012-2014): EU Funded CIPS project aimed at evaluating the impact of malfunctioning of satellite infrastructure and space assets to the ground critical infrastructures.
HOPES (2010-2013): EU Funded AAL Project aimed at developing an intelligent multimedia and multiformat platform providing innovative social e-services for European elderly persons and their social surroundings.
BIOGLUE (2010-2012): National Funded FILAS project
ASIA for Human Flight (2010-2011): ASI (Italian Space Agency) funded project aimed at the definition of a model to forecast the calcium loss of astronauts in microgravity environment.
SECUFOOD (2009-2010): EU Funded CIPS project aimed at realizing an overview of strategies adopted in EU to prevent criminal, and specifically terrorist, attacks against food supply chains.
MICIE (2008-2011): EU Funded FP7 project aimed at developing a realtime and distributed tool to estimate critical infrastructure dependencies based on the SCADA systems of each infrastructure.