
Professor Setola on National TV UnoMattina Rai 1

Professor Setola on National TV UnoMattina Rai 1

On Wednesday 23th, May 2018 a train derailed in Piemonte near Caluso due to a truck. Professor Setola has been hosted at “Uno Mattina” on RAI1 to explain the dangers and problems regarding level crossings in Italy and other European states. He illustrated various...

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La Cyber Security degli Industrial Control System

La Cyber Security degli Industrial Control System

Speaker: Prof. Roberto Setola – Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome The “cyber” element of the Industrial Control Systems (ICS), or rather the systems that control the functioning of the plants and/or devices, acquires an increasing importance both in the industrial...

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SLO Project Final Conference

SLO Project Final Conference

The Final Conference of the European Project “SLO - Security Liaison Officer” has been held at Nuova Aula dei Gruppi Parlamentari of Camera dei Deputati on June 25th 2014, attended by more than 250 participants. During the Conference, the project results have been...

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FACIES Project Final Workshop

FACIES Project Final Workshop

A CDC-satellite Workshop related to the EU project FACIES is going to be held at the “Grand Hotel Baglioni”, Florence, on Saturday 14th December, with the aim to present the work carried out for the project, its final results, and to discuss on the possible follow-up...

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