Attack on the Italian rail system blocks high speed train
Professor Roberto Setola, Director of the Master in Homeland Security, has been interviewed by the main Italian news media regarding the fire attack on a control unit of a high speed train in Florence this past 22 July. Those responsible for the attack are still...
NIC Directive and Healthcare
Article on Agendadigitale: The mix between the increasing digitalization of processes and paths of healing and the far too slow adoption of cyber security measures makes healthcare extremely vulnerable to cyber risks. The NIS Directive can create the...
Visit of Lazio Region Councillor of Economic Development
The Councillor of Economic Development of the Lazio Region Gian Paolo Manzella, came to visit the Complex Systems and Security Laboratory on Friday 5 July. He met our researchers involved in the HANSEL project, co-financed by the Lazio Region inside the INTESE...
Open lecture Cyber Security and National Security
Open lecture "Cyber Security and National Security" Thursday 20 June 2019 at the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome UCBM_Lezione_aperta_HS_20_06
Coserity Lab engaged in the Working group on crowd management of the Italian National Fire Brigade
Prof. Roberto Setola, on the basis of his research experience in the field of Critical Infrastructures Protection, has been appointed in the working group established by the Italian National Fire Brigade on 27 February 2019 concerning the development of innovative...
Visit Vice-Minister MIUR Lorenzo Fioramonti
"Human capital has been seen as a secondary factor for years. Today the new economy brings it back to the centre of attention”. These have been the very first words of the Vice-Minister of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) Lorenzo...
Visit Findus Factory
On 18th April, the Home Automation class went for a visit to the Findus factory located at Latina. Findus is a frozen food brand which was first sold in Sweden in 1945. Findus came to supply a wide range of different products: from ready-to-eat meals to vegetables and...
Article on “Cybersecurity Trends in Italia”
Luca Faramondi, PostDoc Fellow at Complex Systems & Security (COSERITY) Lab at University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, explains in the magazine “Cybersecurity Trends in Italia” a new approach in the management of critical infrastructure protection and security,...
Young Critis Award
This award goes to young researchers who excel with their researches in the field of Critical Infrastructure Security by proposing innovative solutions. Eng. Faramondi was honoured for his article "Discovering Vulnerabilities in Heterogeneous Interconnected Systems”,...
Article on Agenda Digitale
Operational Technology and cyber risk: threats to industrial production systems by Roberto Setola Operational Tecnology