
Prof. Roberto Setola guest on CyberSec2022

2 March 2022, Prof. Setola spoke during the CyberSec2022 event held in Rome During his speech, Prof. Setola, expressing his appreciation for the attention of companies on cybersecurity, highlighted the need to improve public-private cooperation, which will foster an...

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RAFAEL Project – Final Conference

25 November 2021, RAFAEL Project Final Conference. The RAFAEL Project is a project co-funded by the Ministry of University and Research on the System for Risk Analysis and Forecast for Critical Infrastructures in the Apennines dorsal Regions. The conference, moderated...

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Contact Tracing Now

New article by Roberto Setola, Giacomo Assenza and Giampiero Nanni on Società Italiana di Intelligence (SOCINT) Contact Tracing Now

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