Prof. Roberto Setola on the Editorial Board of “The Journal of Integrated Security and Safety Science (JISSS)”
Prof. Roberto Setola on the Editorial Board of “The Journal of Integrated Security and Safety Science (JISSS)” (NL) published by the Safety and Security Science Group of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). This open access Journal publishes innovative papers...
Webinar – Management of potential incidental risks related to cyber attacks
The webinar Management of potential incidental risks related to cyber attacks, an international INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) project to which UNEM (Energy Union for Mobility) contributes will be held on 11 November from 15 p.m. to...
Contact Tracing Now
New article by Roberto Setola, Giacomo Assenza and Giampiero Nanni on Società Italiana di Intelligence (SOCINT) Contact Tracing Now
That’s the way how the Western world can recover the digital gap to China
Roberto Setola, Scientific Director of the Second Level Master in “Homeland Security" at the University CAMPUS Bio-Medico of Rome points the way forward to protect our data: investing in technology and user training Formiche Interview Professor Setola
Cyberwar, how to defend yourself
New article by Roberto Setola and Giacomo Assenza on Formiche Cyberware, come difendersi? Le istruzioni dell’Nsa americana
RACVIAC organizes COVID-19 Pandemic – Crisis Management On-line Seminar
The participants, representatives and experts came from ministries of defence, health, interior, from the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Serbia, Montenegro and the Republic of North Macedonia. Roberto Setola took part on this seminar to...
For an efficient cybersecurity: less cyber more culture
Professor Roberto Setola took part on the following Webinar
Real life and IT systems. How the cyberwarfare is changing
These days several newspapers reported again what happened to the Israeli water system, being attacked last April, possibly by a group related to Iran. The objective of the attack was to create damage to the real life and not to the IT systems. This kind of attack...
Interconnection and Interdependence
Speech of Professor Roberto Setola at the study conference "Flussi dell'informazione e processi decisonali" in January 2020.
Digital surveillance to prevent disease: opportunity or threat?
About how much privacy are we ready to do without in return for more security? How does our behaviour online pose on risk our privacy? New article by Roberto Setola on