SynCrea project
Coserity Lab involved in the development of SynCrea project The project aims to develop the software suite, SynCrea, which will enable the implementation of an ergonomic security model. On one hand, it ensures the possibility of maintaining smooth post-production...
SAF€RA’s 2024 symposium
Prof. Roberto Setola at SAF€RA’s 2024 symposium Vienna, April 22, 2024 Prof. Setola participated in the Saf€ra call launch event hosted by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK). Prof. Setola...
Professor Setola partecipate at 5G&co Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, 16th of April The Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome recently hosted the 5G&Co event, an international conference organized by CNIT (National Interuniversity Consortium for...
Eighteenth IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection SRI International
Ing. Simone Guarino Speaker at Eighteenth IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection SRI International Arlington, Virginia, USA, March 2024 Simone Guarino participated in the Eighteenth IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on...
Italy and the NIS2 Directive: cybersecurity and resilience for critical infrastructure
Prof. Roberto Setola Speaker at Italy and NIS2 Directive: cybersecurity and resilience for critical infrastructures Rome, March 2024 2023 On March 26th, Professor Setola served as a speaker at the "Italy and the NIS2 Directive: cybersecurity and resilience for...
Prof. Roberto Setola Speaker at ComoLake2023 Como, october 2023 Prof. Setola participated in the ComoLake 2023. ComoLake2023 is the meeting point for institutions, businesses and universities interested in the new paradigms of economic growth that - in Italy and...
Richmond Security Director Forum – Rimini Grand Hotel 24-26 semptember 2023
Prof. Roberto Setola Speaker at Richmond Security Director Forum Rimini, 24-26 september 2023 Prof. Setola gave two speeches during the conference days at Richmond Security Director Forum presenting the work CoserityLab is doing in the different projects it is...
WORKSHOP Physical Protection of National Critical Infrastructure under the Critical Entity Resilience (CER) Directive
Workshop held at the CNEL headquarters to promote the meeting between the needs of the industrial sectors that manage the infrastructures, the authorities responsible for identifying the best strategies to ensure their protection and resilience, and the component of National Research that can support the implementation of these strategies
Prof. Roberto Setola speaker at “Health: Innovation at the Service of the Person”
Prof. Roberto Setola participated in the conference ‘Health: Innovation at the Service of the Person’ that was held on 6 and 7 October 2022 in Rome with a speech on Systems, methods and tools for security
Gabriele Oliva presents project DRIVERS at the University of Cyprus
On April 12th, 2022, Gabriele Oliva has visited the University of Cyprus, where he has presented the project DRIVERS, co-funded by INAIL. The presentation has been followed by a discussion session where possible collaborations within the Horizon Europe...