Article on “Cybersecurity Trends in Italia”

Luca Faramondi, PostDoc Fellow at Complex Systems & Security (COSERITY) Lab at University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, explains in the magazine “Cybersecurity Trends in Italia” a new approach in the management of critical infrastructure protection and security,...

Young Critis Award

This award goes to young researchers who excel with their researches in the field of Critical Infrastructure Security by proposing innovative solutions. Eng. Faramondi was honoured for his article “Discovering Vulnerabilities in Heterogeneous Interconnected...

Visit from the Warsaw University of Technology

Tomasz KISIELEWICZ, PhD from Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), has visited in May 2018 our Laboratory to work on the safety of Critical Infrastructures and specifically Electric Grid . Prof. KISIELEWICZ has an extensive knowledge of power systems protection...